DeSantis to Lead International Trade Mission

Governor Ron DeSantis greets supporters in Miami

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is not finished traveling. This time he will flying around the globe leading an international trade mission to some of America's strongest allies.

"Florida has the 15th largest economy in the world , and that is because our state has worked to create partnerships with other countries to create jobs and boost the economy," said DeSantis. "This trade mission will give us the opportunity to strengthen economic relationships and continue to demonstrate Florida's position as an economic leader."

The trade mission is organized in conjunction with Enterprise Florida and includes visits to Japan, South Korea, Israel and the United Kingdom, according to DeSantis spokesman Bryan Griffin.

"The mission will build on Florida's economic relationships with each country, and the governor will meet with business executives and government leaders to further develop and expand economic partnerships," said Griffin. "The Governor will be joined by First Lady Casey DeSantis, Secretary of State Cord Byrd, and Florida Secretary of Commerce Laura DiBella."

The mission begins in Japan where DeSantis and his team will meet with Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi and business executives.

Next the mission will stop in South Korea where the team will meet with Prime Minister Han Duck-soo and Gyeonggi Province Governor Kim Don't-yeon.

Next the delegation will travel to Israel where Governor DeSantis will deliver the keynote address at an event to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the founding of Israel. While in Israel, DeSantis will meet with representatives of INSIGHTEC who have been working with Florida Universities to bring a new treatment for Alzheimer's to Florida that uses sound waves.

"What we are going to focus on is where the plaques are being accumulated in Alzheimer's. The idea is if we can open up the blood-brain barrier these plaques will be removed," INSIGHTEC CEO Maurice R Ferre told the Floridian in an interview at Broward Health last year. "We are very excited. We are at ground zero here in Broward. This is the first of its kind being developed here and we are working very closely with the State of Florida to develop this technology."

While in Israel, @GovRonDeSantis will meet with reps of INSIGHTEC who have invested in Florida.

Last year I interviewed Chairman and CEO Dr. Maurice R Ferre MD about his company’s new technology for treating Alzheimer’s and other neurological disorders!

— Chris Nelson 🇺🇸 🏝 (@ReOpenChris) April 20, 2023

Bilateral trade between Florida and Israel reached $651 million in 2022, demonstrating the growing partnership between the two countries, according to the Governor's Press Office. El Al, Israel’s National Airline, recently relocated its U.S. Headquarters From New York City to Florida. There are more than 50 Israeli companies supporting more than 2,400 jobs in Florida.

The mission will wrap up with a trip to the United Kingdom where the Governor and his delegation will meet with business executives and Foreign Minister James Cleverly.




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